Blue Spider™: All Downloads

(Available downloads depend on your login credentials - You are not logged in. If you would like to evaluate Blue Spider you need to first create a free account. When you have created your account you will need to complete a simple form and then access to the downloads area and assistance with your evaluation will be provided. If want to evaluate our software but don't want to create an account right now then you can still download certain items listed below. If you are an existing customer and are having difficulties logging in to the site then first try resetting your password or contact us via chat or email for further assistance.)
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCMENT: We will be dropping support for Windows 7 and 8/8.1 some time after Jan 1st 2021
Blue Spider is built using Qt™ and the next version, Qt 6, will not support these older versions of Windows. Customers using older Windows versions should plan to upgrade these machines to Windows 10™ before this date.

Publicly available downloads (for unregistered users)
Blue Spider Installer (64 bit)MD5: 5debc033502bf3a887ceecb6a53a9211 

Released: 2023-12-15_r1  BlueSpider-x64_setup_2023-12-15_r1.exe      
The full Blue Spider suite installer for all products. This version of the installer is for 64 bit machines only (it will safely upgrade if installed over an earlier 32 bit release so there is no need to uninstall first). We always recommend using this 64 bit version where possible - it has more features than the 32 bit version.
Note: In-application log in / creation of a free account may be required after installation.

Blue Spider UI Plugins (for Cable work)MD5: 394b858946b2ff3acb6cb034ee4126d1 

Released: 2024-05-20  cable_ops_ui_plugin_V3_60.7z      
UI Plugins for cable handling (compatible only with latest release). Please note that with the latest release of the software you will need to reinstall the cable plugins if you are using this feature. To do this typically you wont need to manually download this plugin package unless you do not have an internet connection. Instead and for an easier plugin installation use the configuration utility to install the cable plugin package.

GEBCO 08 World Bathymetry dataset (7z)MD5: c881bf8476a47a7fb487ae17f147b2cf 

Released: 2020-10-01  GEBCO_08.7z      
The GEBCO 30 arc second world bathymetry data set. But note if you are evaluating Blue Spider then you will be given the opportunity to download this data from within the application so there is no need to download separately unless you do not have an internet connection on the target machine.
NOTE: This data originates from a 3rd party - see for more details.

GEBCO 2020 World Bathymetry dataset (NetCDF/7-zip)MD5: 3e53c76521da4d3343eebb63c4492a7a 

Released: 2020-07-17  GEBCO_2020.7z      
The GEBCO 15 arc second world bathymetry data set. Higher resolution but much larger file size so may take time to download and import.
GEBCO Compilation Group (2020) GEBCO 2020 Grid (doi:10.5285/836f016a-33be-6ddc-e053-6c86abc0788e)
NOTE: This data originates from a 3rd party - see for more details.

NodeJS 64 bit Installer (for Web Monitoring)MD5: 77d5789af4dc9966eeda3481c79ae5a3 

Released: 2019-09-17  node-v10.16.3-x64.msi      
The 3rd party NodeJS 64-bit Installer (MSI) required for Web Monitoring.
NOTE: This download is for a 3rd party software product and is mirrored from - see their main site for more details.