Blue Spider Survey Positioning Key Features
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- Survey Positioning
- Detailed Information
- Key Features
- Calculations are performed in lat and long.
- Automatic master slave changeover for dual redundancy.
- Tracking of multiple vessels.
- AIS support.
- Positioning of subsea vehicles and divers.
- Fully customizable inputs.
- Fully customizable outputs.
- Fully customizable logging.
- Logging to CSV or other text files can be triggered by external events.
- Automatic logging of all information to SQL database.
- Replay of incoming data from SQL database.
- Decode of complex input messages can be scripted.
- Advanced Javascript engine for custom processing in the server.
- Custom server-side variables can be defined.
- Serial data can be routed via any computer on the network.
- Supports direct TCP/IP inputs as alternative to serial.
- Supports connections to multiple OPC servers.
- Permissions can be restricted by account or to specific workstations.
- Positional secrecy mode for DOD / security sensitive operations.
- Separate map server acts as central repository for charts.
- Import of point cloud data.
- Import of Geotiff data.
- Import of DWG/DXF/DGN data.
- Import of GEBCO data.
- Charts are automatically available on all workstations in both 2D and 3D.
- Number of charts/height map data is only limited by hard disk size.
- Charts can be displayed in any projection.
- Vehicle definition editor supports both 2D and 3D and vehicles with moving parts.
- Live 2D and 3D situational awareness views.
- Remote web monitoring from the office.
- Local web monitoring using hand-held device on the ship.
- Customizable user interface extensions.
- Completed log files can be automatically uploaded via the web.
- Positioning of mobiles via HPR, Fanbeam, Blueview, GPS and almost any other.
- Barge management can use both WIFI and radio modem links.
- Add depth information to routes from height map data.
- Cross sectional depth graph view.
- Support for A/C radii in routes.
- KP can be calculated using both true and grid techniques.
- Extensive list of supported map projections, datums etc.